I have been lacking time to think. Substantial amounts of work and day to day activities to keep the business moving forward has depleted me. To effectively provide leadership and inspiration I need to take more time to think beyond all the “work” that fills my day. This morning I am working from a quiet corner at Caribou Coffee.
A couple of months ago, HomeSpotter implemented “no meeting Wednesday.” This has been the best productivity hack we have had. Thank you, Aaron! Wednesdays have become not just a day to laser focus on important activities, but also a time to step away and think about our company and my team. Having this time allows me to ask questions like: Are we accomplishing the right things? How can I help us move forward intentionally? Am I helping my team thrive in the ambiguity of an accelerating software environment?
The real beauty of no meeting Wednesday is that I have time each week to plan and prioritize the things I want to work on. In the few short hours since I started this post, I listened to a Daniel Pink TED Talk, discussed a new course of action for customer success with a team member, revised a proposal, clarified a new app release with a customer and our development team. Okay, not everything was strategic, but everything was done on my terms this morning. I can’t wait until this afternoon.
So great to have a few hours of inspired work today!